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Nagmuts. Part 1. Page 3. The Lizard

What do I expect from this writing? I do not expect much. I do not expect to reconfigure the evolutionary ruts in the road of the human mind, values and thought. To expect anything remotely of the sort is obviously unrealistic at all angles. My hopes? That the reader, or if fortunate enough-a reader will simply take into consideration the possibility of what I will describe in the upcoming pages. By considering the possibility of even one of the multiple components will allow for an area of the dried human mind to receive an extra drop of spiritual objectivity that makes it into the rough absorbant concrete component of the human mind’s massive dam wall that has been carefully constructed to retain and prevent so much of the human spiritual capabilities unknown and thought to be impossible, lost and feared. A conned deal within human evolution to trade a major component of spiritual life and complete open recognition for fake values of material possession.

A bit of a deep introduction I know and I apologize


I was actually born kind of far from where I live now. Yes I was born in a hot humid environment, but I was a little further south along the coast than where I am today. What happened to me, rather the reason for my ‘move’ will likely seem catatrosphic or life altering in the least, however, by the time you get through a few more pages of this writing, I am certain my story of relocation will not amount to much.

When I was much smaller and younger than I am now, I happened to be crawling on a car. It was a red car, and kind of big. I have no good reason why I was crawling on it. Ask any lizard, insect or any animal for that matter, ‘why’ and they will likely give you a similar answer to what I will provide: ‘I don’t know’. I guess my body needed some exercise. After all, it is pretty fun having the physical abilities as a lizard. The sprints, vertical climbs, spontaneous jumps, landing abilities and so on are very enjoyable and great exercise.

I had noticed the vehicle in the distance view, which for a human would be the equivalent of about five car lengths away. I had never seen the car before nor was I familiar with the vertical angles of the vehicle. It was built very similar to a small delivery truck (the cube). I made my way over to it. The car had been there most of the afternoon, so I knew the hot parts of the car had cooled. The sun was beginning to settle into the west but the exterior of the car was probably going to have a nice warming touch to it; as the car was losing the heat aborsbtion from the mid day stifel. I thought it would feel great, especially since, in my experience, that red and darker painted vehicles always seem to retain the sun’s heat so well. In no time, I had approached one of the back tires, made the initial leap, another leap, found a good reliable grip in the tire and before I knew it I was in the wheel well. ‘I need to get to the paint’ I reminded myself. I looked around within the wheel well and saw that my only option would be another leap to the interior of the back bumper. Of course I made it. Lizards have a high rate of leaping success! From there I was able to manage to make my way onto the body of the car. It did feel great! Just enough left over solar heat to give my body enough warmth to prepare me for the cooler humid night.

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