There wasn’t much room on the back of the car but at least there were some nice areas that absorb the last bit of the afternoon’s sun. I remained in tune to my physical body as I enjoyed the warm metal; the way a human may enjoy the luxuries of a hot shower on a cold day. I became so physically comfortable that I decided not to abandon the car, even when the humans approaching the two front doors, or when the engine’s vibration rattled through the metal. For whatever reason, I remained in place with the plan to leap off when the car started to move. I even felt the car shaking and getting louder, yet I remained, only thinking about jumping but not preparing to do so. I watched as my opportunity to make my leap came and went; ‘Thats fine’ I said to myself, ‘I will just do what we do occasionally- Ill take a ride and see where we end up.’ After all, sometimes it turns out to be a pretty fun trip, and sometimes you find yourself in a baking parking lot for a few hours. Either way, you usually come back to where you started.
So keep in mind, I was young and a little smaller than I am now; so there were places I could keep safe while the car was moving. I knew this was necessary to my surviving this ride. I thought of the bumper. Maybe but there was likely to be a lot of wind turbulence and debris within the air space. That was my guess anyways. I chose to burrow in between two panels of the body which gave me the protection I required. It wasn’t the most room, or was it the most comfortable, but it worked. Besides, I was still absorbing some retained solar heat from the metal!
The car kept going and going. There were several occasions we stopped, but each time I chose not to debark since I didn’t want to get out in the middle of a road. Forget the risks flying debris, miniature sand storms, hot pavement and fast cars; it would probably be the toxins in the pavement and the air that would first make me ill then kill me. So I stayed where I was. I wasn’t nervous, I remember feeling up for whatever. Besides, at that time in my life I had not done too much physical travel. The car continued with its turns, speed adjustments, halts, and accelerations. The loudest noises and most vibrations came when the maximum acceleration was reached and remained for the majority of the trip as I watched cars, trucks, trees and road, and lines. I started to question if the car would return to its origin. Feelings of hunger and thirst emerged in my guts. The sky was now a deep violet and the metal cool to the touch.
By the time the car came to a complete stop, it was dark and I was cold. I slowly found my way off the car, moving as if I were injured from the elements and vibration I had exposed myself to. Once I got off the car, I luckily found some shrubs that served as food.
I familiarized myself with the new surroundings. Another neighborhood, probably an apartment complex if I were to guess; and right by a large body of water. The good news was there was plenty of greenery, animals and areas of shelter. The bad news was the pesticides and chemicals that were on almost everything…all to make the grass look the way the humans think grass should look. ‘Fustrating’, I muttered to myself, I have never understood where humans have derived their perception of what nature is supposed to look like.