Nagmuts. Part 1. Page 4. The Lizard
Welcome to the mutant archives....
This is where you will find ridiculous information related to the nagmuts
The majority of the mutated archives live on this page. However there are other writings scattered throughout various interdimensional realms, but the majority of the nagmut writings are and will be added here. Please...try to enjoy....
From the desk of Bruce Lotion: A few words on the Nagmut history……
Perhaps it’s time for a more authentic logo…..
A near finished portrait of The Eloquent Pignacious
Apparently the Eloquent Pignacious enjoys a variety of projects……
Drones, survival knives and kitchen utensils are what the Eloquent Pignacious enjoys……
Why oh why do they continue to dress in such hideous garb
Ahhhh….The Eloquent Pignacious builds….
Stay tuned for more of ‘The Eloquent Pignacious’
Inking stage of Nudists and Perverts is complete
A nagmut summary….????
As The Portrait of Dickens nears completion……
Little by little, The Portrait of Dickens matures
A little background in The Portrait of Dickens never hurt anyone…
The Nagmut theme song. Enjoy rare footage of these talented musicians performing this 23 second piec
Masterpiece = 98% complete
This guy and these poor children…ugh what a gross cake….
How can they continue to dress children this way?????
OMG! How can these precious kids consider wearing such disgusting t-shirts????