In 2010, the name ‘Nagmuts’ was first verbalized by St Augustine’s infamous DJ Natural, in what appeared to be a natural reflexive reaction to a request from the infamous DJ Hu (founder of Classic Blends), who at the time made a verbal request for someone in the room to think of a name for these ‘disgusting mutants’. However, the history of these Nagmuts (aka mutants; aka ‘disgusting creatures’) extends back to the early 90’s when a young man would find himself drawing these creatures in the back of the middle school and high school classrooms, which he attended. The young man was no attention seeking class clown, nor did he ever become the memorable high school graduate with plans of attending university the following fall. Why? Because up to that point, he had spent much of his time in the classroom hovering over small scraps of paper with his writing utensil, drawing, or rather evolving the mutants and their demented story…now classified as ‘Nagmuts’.
Although none of the early work survived the public school years, the mutants began to reappear some years later. It was during the era which the now twenty-something adult was encouraged by former roommate DJ Hu to continue drawing mutants. With the Classic Blend support and guidance that encouraged further development through questioning their whereabouts of the mutants’ existence, the young adult began to draw again. However, the young man was still not convinced these disgusting, worthless beings held any sort of value worthy of time or money….so the idea was put to the side.
It was not until the maturing adult was in his early 30’s that, after a two year stint in South America, he decided he had the time and patience required to revisit the mutants. As the scenes developed, the small circle of friends and family surrounding the lotion began to ask questions, ‘where did they come from?’ what are they?’ what is wrong with them? It was during this time, the man would draw relentlessly (at least by his standards it was considered a relentless driving ambition). This era was perhaps considered a mutated renaissance. Yet, without direction the drawings continued to pile. They sat in the corners of DJ Hu’s office area under his collection of unique Japanese toys; they sat in Count’s (aka Weird Call) hot smokey environment. They sat in boxes, in storage. Waiting for someone to take them to the next level. But what was the ‘next level’? ‘So many directions we could go with them…’. Overwhelming thoughts and ideas flooded the Nagmut opportunities in art development, story development, marketing, sales, etc. ‘What are you trying to do with these….Nagmuts?’ was the million dollar question.
Life continued on, and the Nagmuts lingered, alongside a strange and confident awareness that more had to be done with them.
The writing emerged in a similar fashion as the first Nagmuts illustrations did, in public sight, but within an isolated world. Replacing the back of the classroom with an office, man found his reconnection with the Nagmuts, and his mental outlet from a ridiculous environment and culture from which he was bored beyond belief. Although it was only during the lunch hour that writing could take place, at least it was something.
The writing stage emerged as the answer to driving Nagmuts forward and answering the question, ‘what do we do with them?”. Witht the intention being to further develop the Nagmuts the message was clear….it was…. IT IS time to write. For it was a task overdue by nearly 20 years.
Charity initiative (Please note: artwork and writing is completely disconnected. Artwork is simply a tool to provide for the charity initiatives)
It was not until very recently that the man found himself disturbed with the fact he was never able to donate to various causes as much as he would like. More importantly, so many of these charities don’t receive the support they need or deserve. Passionate about many causes, from oil spill clean ups to helping victims of human trafficking and beyond, he and his family wanted to do more but were financially limited. And then a it became clear, Nagmuts had a purpose! To sell Nagmuts products and create awareness to a variety of charity initiatives. Regardless of the complete disconnect between the art and the charity initiatives, Nagmut products, art and story are to be used as a simple tool that provides a way to support various charity organizations. Nagmuts, Inc is allocating 100% of Nagmuts profits to various charity organizations.
So stay tuned…….more to come……. from all directions……art….writing…..ecommerce….charity initiative awareness………..just stay tuned…………